
Dance Apparel:

Buy dance supplies at one of these linksDancers registered for Ballet Technique classes should come to class in a leotard, footed tights and ballet slippers.  Modern Dance classes require dance pants, or footless tights and a leotard.  Hip Hop dancers, please wear hip hop sneakers and comfortable clothing.

Find what you need here:

Cinnamon Tree, Herndon, VA-support the local dance boutique.  Tell them you are  taking class with GroundWorks at artisTree studios and receive a discount.

Discount Dance Supply Use teacher discount code TP32313 at check out and receive a discount.

Dance Distributors

Dance Factory Outlet Find some real steals here

Go See a Show!

Many local venues support local and national dance companies. Support the dance scene and check out their up-coming seasons.

Reston Community Center, Center Stage
Dance Place

Wolf Trap

The Center for the Arts

The Kennedy Center

Joy of Motion